Help for Homeless Students/
Project RISE
Jennifer Montisano
Homeless Education Liaison
There are approximately 1,800 Akron Public Schools students experiencing homelessness each year.
Living without permanent, long-term housing can have a profound effect on a child. Not only does schoolwork suffer, homelessness can also cause developmental delays, learning difficulties, depression and anxiety. However, education is one key to breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness.
Project Rise helps students experiencing homelessness stay in school and on track.
A collaboration among Akron public schools, local shelters and the community, Project Rise empowers students and families to improve the quality of their lives through educational, cultural and community support services and resources.
Regardless of their living conditions, all children have the right to receive high-quality educational and social services in a safe and caring environment.
If you are a student or family living in the Akron area experiencing homelessness or you know a student or family living in the Akron area who may be experiencing homelessness, please contact us as soon as possible or have them contact us directly.
Defining Homeless
Being homeless does not always mean living in a shelter or on the street. “Homeless” is defined as lacking a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. This includes any child: living in a shelter; living in a motel or campground due to the lack of an alternative, adequate accommodation; living in a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station; doubled up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship; or not living with a parent or guardian due to hardship or an emergency circumstance.
Project Rise provides many supports for students and families including:
- tutoring for students living in shelters
- transportation assistance to help students get to school
- school enrollment assistance
- uniform referrals
- Summer Programs
- Akron Street Card
- Our Services
- For Families
- For Teens / Unaccompanied Youth
- Academic Advocates
- DLM Food and Resources
- PACT Program
- How You Can Help / Donate
- How You Can Help - Staff and Teachers
- Partnerships