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Akron Public Schools
The logo of the Akron Public School District.

District Information

Akron Public Schools Mission Statement

Akron Public Schools serves every student by enriching his or her talents and interests. We develop well-rounded young people with our strong, innovative programs that stimulate curiosity and appeal to their passions for life and learning.

Blueprint for Excellence - Strategic Plan

Akron Public Schools recognizes the importance of long-term, strategic planning to ensure the delivery of high-quality education to its scholars. APS has been actively engaged in a comprehensive strategic planning process to chart the future course of the district. Click on the banner below to get more information.

Image of Updated Blueprint for Excellence banner

District Facts & Stats

The Akron Public School District regularly collects data to provide a snapshot of our Points of Pride. We celebrate our students' involvement and the many programs available to them.

First page of the PDF file: APS_SOS22_FactsStats-Final

District Spotlight

The Akron Public Schools Spotlight provides a snapshot of our staff and district, student demographics, Ohio State Test results and graduation rates.

(Click on the image to the right to see the full two-page Spotlight.)

First page of the PDF file: APSSpotlight2024

DRAFT Organization Chart

The APS organization chart shows the structure of Akron Public Schools by department and the relationships of its various positions/jobs. The 2024-25 Organization Chart to the right is a work in progress and will be updated.

First page of the PDF file: DRAFT-2024-2025AdministrativeOrganizationChartUpdate2