Student Voices - North Locker Room Experience, Scholars Serve as Peer Mentors
- North High School
On Tuesday, November 21 at North High School, the North Locker Room Experience (LRE) scholars kicked off their Peer Mentoring Program! Scholars were nominated by staff, administrators, coaches or current scholar members of the LRE. Each selected mentee was matched up with an LRE scholar leader. Each scholar serving as a mentor received a folder with the current grades, attendance data and the first quarter report card of their mentee. The mentee received a folder with the same information as well as a short survey looking for root causes for any challenges experienced by the mentee so far this school year. There was a short presentation on goal-setting and directions for setting SMART goals. As lunch was served, the discussions were turned over to the scholars. In addition to working on setting a short-term, achievable goal that will be the focus until the next lunch meeting, the mentee and mentor also create their communication plans. Vice president of the board, Diana Autry, was in attendance supporting the scholars and the initiative. The peer mentoring program is coordinated by North Athletic Director Carrie Stewart.
- Student Voices