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Akron Public Schools
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Labor  Relations

The function of Labor Relations is to foster effective relationships between management and employees by working with the employees’ exclusive union representatives to resolve concerns affecting wages, hours or terms and conditions of employment.
Image of Standards Sign
Image of Rules Sign
Image of Regulations Sign
Image of Requirements Sign

Labor Relations Staff:

Tod Wammes, Labor Relations Manager

Robyn Moore, Human Capital Specialist, Labor Relations

Phone: 330.761.2948

Quick Links:

APS Board Policies and Administrative Guidelines

Licensure Code of Professional Conduct for Ohio Educators

Labor Agreements

Labor Relations

The function of Labor Relations is to foster effective relationships between management and employees by working with the employees’ exclusive union representatives to resolve concerns affecting wages, hours or terms and conditions of employment.

Labor Relations performs the following functions:

Labor/Management Relations

Labor Relations works in collaboration with union representatives to resolve labor/management issues before they become contractual disputes. This is achieved through fostering positive dialogue with union representatives.

Collective Bargaining Agreement Administration

Labor Relations interprets collective bargaining agreements and administers contractual language in a consistent manner. Labor Relations also engages in collective bargaining with the respective unions.

Employee Discipline

Labor Relations works in consultation with management to investigate and implement discipline under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement and due process.

Union Grievances

Labor Relations manages the grievance and arbitration process concerning the interpretation and application of the terms of a collective bargaining agreement.


Labor Relations provides training for management on the collective bargaining agreement, discipline, Board Policies and Human Capital processes.

Policy Review

In consultation with the Legal Department, Labor Relations reviews and proposes revisions to Board Policies to ensure that they are consistent with the collective bargaining agreements and the law.

For information on APS legal affairs, go to

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