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Be Kind 330

Be Kind 330 is a grassroots campaign to encourage individuals to bring more positivity and kindness to their communities.

Image of Music Alive Program Be Kind 330

Music Alive Program shows kindness.

Be Kind 330 Galleries

Share act(s) of kindness you perform, witness or learn about. 

  • POST on social media using #BeKind330, and tag @akronschools on Twitter and @akronpublicschools on Facebook.
  • Share with the APS COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT; then we’ll post it on the Be Kind 330 website and our social media (and maybe get other media attention, too!) Send to with the subject line #BeKind330.

Visit the Be Kind 330 Galleries page here>>!

Why be kind
Being kind to ourselves and others helps us feel better. Our physical and mental health improve, our relationships with others improve, and we have a better view of the world around us. Kindness also helps reduce negativity, decrease violence and bullying in schools and the workplace, increase self-confidence, and makes us more aware of the world around us.

How can I get involved?
The Be Kind 330 campaign is ever-evolving, and there will be a variety of structured activities throughout the year. But you can start today by being kind to yourself. Be kind to others even when it is hard to do so, and look for ways to perform simple acts of kindness for others.

Ways to be kind
  • Give a compliment.
  • Smile and say hello.
  • Hold a door open.
  • Do a good deed.
  • Volunteer.
  • Say thank you.
  • Let someone go ahead of you.
Two happy students enjoying pizza
    Better overall physical health
  • lower blood pressure
  • less pain
  • more energy
    Better overall mental health
  • better moods
  • reduced depression
  • less stress
    Better communities
  • reduced violence
  • more collaboration
  • better workplace culture

BeKind330 is being presented as a part of
