Middle Schools
Larry Johnson
Supervisor, Secondary Principals, Middle Schools
Lynda Johnson
Administrative Assistant
The Secondary Schools department prepares students and provides a quality foundation to help them be successful as they transition into college and/or their career.
We are responsible for curriculum, instruction and programs for students in grades 6-8 as well as monitoring the progress of these students.
Middle Schools Directory
School | Address | Phone Number | Campus Principal | |
Bridges Learning Center | 77 W. Thornton St., 44311 | 330.761.7979 | Sarah Kramer (interim) |
smk45896@apslearns.org |
Buchtel CLC 6-8 | 1040 Copley Road, 44320 | 330.761.7960 | LaCresia Beecher (interim) | lshaw@apslearns.org |
East CLC 7-8 | 80 Brittain Road, 44305 | 330.761.7928 | Walter Noland | wnoland@apslearns.org |
Hyre CLC | 2385 Wedgewood Drive, 44312 | 330.761.7930 | Jessica Sax | jsax@apslearns.org |
Innes CLC | 1999 East Ave., 44314 | 330.761.7900 | Dave Kurzen | dmk46611@apslearns.org |
Jennings CLC | 227 E. Tallmadge Ave., 44310 | 330.761.2002 | Dawn Harper | dharper@apslearns.org |
Litchfield CLC | 470 Castle Blvd., 44313 | 330.761.2775 | Natalie Caperones (interim) |
ncoakley@apslearns.org |
Miller South School VPA | 1055 East Ave., 44307 | 330.761.2610 | Regina Anderson | ralexand@apslearns.org |
NIHF STEM Middle School | 199 S. Broadway, 44308 | 330.761.3195 | Amanda Morgan | amorgan2@apslearns.org |