What does APS Online look like for my child?All APS Online students will be assigned an APS Online Mentor who will serve to monitor student progress, meet with students to provide social-emotional or academic support, and work with the family to ensure success.
APS Online students will be provided a daily schedule that includes scheduled a.m. and p.m. Google Meets with their assigned mentor. Students are expected to spend between 5-7 hours on schoolwork per school day. Most of the school day will be online with opportunities for offline work.
APS Online is offered through Edmentum's EdOptions Academy.
Elementary (4-5):
Elementary students' homeroom will begin at 8:15 a.m. Students are expected to log in to their daily Google Meet with their assigned mentor each day school is in session to maintain positive attendance. Students will receive live (synchronous) remote instruction in reading, mathematics, social studies and science using Edmentum’s content and teachers. Parents will serve as their child's Learning Guide. As a Learning Guide, parents will assist students with Calvert assignments and maintain regular communication with the Edmentum teachers and the APS Online mentor.
Secondary (6-12):
Students in grades 6-12 will attend a daily homeroom at 8:15 a.m. with their APS Online assigned mentor. Students are expected to remain logged in to this daily Google Meet each day school is in session to maintain positive attendance and follow a morning schedule designed with their assigned mentor. Students will break for lunch and check back in with their assigned mentor at 12:30 p.m. to follow their afternoon schedule. Students in grades 6-12 will be able to remain self-directed but will have the option to connect to live (synchronous) remote courses offered using Edmentum's course content and teachers. APS staff members serve as mentors to monitor students' progress to make sure they remain on track to earn credits, meet with students to provide social-emotional or academic support, and work with the family to ensure success. If students struggle in self-directed learning, they may be assigned to the live remote lessons to help get them back on track.
Upon enrollment, students are assigned an Akron Public Schools mentor. Students who attend EdOptions Academy live lessons have a higher success rate with their course completion.
APS Online Program Student Expectations:
Students and a parent or guardian will attend a mandatory orientation session, held remotely, with their assigned mentor the first day of school.
Students will attend scheduled live remote lessons or view recorded lessons to gain a deeper understanding of the content.
Students will meet with their assigned APS Online mentor each day for homeroom attendance. This is a mandatory requirement.
Students will commit to remaining in APS Online for the full semester. If a student wants to change to in-person learning, they can request a transfer building form to return to their homeschool at the end of each semester.
Students not demonstrating adequate academic progress may require additional supports:
Extra help sessions with an EdOptions Academy teacher
Daily check-ins with an APS Online mentor including in-person mentoring
Support meetings with families
Individual student success plans
Family meetings to determine whether students should remain remote or return to in-person instruction at the end of the semester; additionally, there are procedures in place to address individual student and family extenuating circumstances via our APS Student Services Office
In some instances, students who are not demonstrating academic progress and/or fail to regularly engage in scheduled lessons may be recommended to an alternative education setting. Students are expected to complete and submit all assignments on time. EdOptions Academy provides pacing guides for course completion. Students may work at their own pace but must spend 5-7 hours on average per day completing assignments to stay on track.
All students are required to take any Ohio-mandated tests in person. Students should coordinate testing dates and times with their APS mentor and their APS Online school counselor. Students are expected to arrive on time for state/district testing.
If a student needs support, they should contact their EdOptions teacher and/or their APS mentor. To contact APS Online, please email apsonline@apslearns.org; or call 330.761.3115 for more information. For technical support, reach out to Edmentum by visiting their support page at edmentum.com/support.
EdOptions Academy Student/Guardian Success Zone: a resource page that will help students, parents and caregivers get started and provide guidance, tips and strategies to support virtual learning success